myenergi zappi V2 2021 – Home charging unit review

myenergi zappi V2 2021 - Home charging unit review

Mike uses a myenergi zappi V2 2021 charging unit. 


Provide your overall rating for the charging unit


Which company installed it and would you recommend them? – competent install


How much did you pay for your unit and installation?



Why did you purchase this particular unit?

The myenergi system integrates with existing solar panels. The zappi 2 doesn’t need a ground rod, which would have been troublesome to install.


What do you like about the charging unit

  • Scheduled charging easy
  • can boost at any time
  • logs usage for today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month and last month.


What don’t like about the charging unit

  • Nothing to add here


Outline any faults you have experienced with the unit

Circuit breaker tripped a few times in the early days but this turned out to be a faulty breaker, not the charger.


Tell us about your home charging routine

I do about 8,000 miles a year, mostly town driving. I generally charge once every 7 to 10 days, plugging the car in at night, unplugging it in the morning, total time taken about 10 seconds. I get a cheap night-time rate from the energy company, so ‘fuel’ savings are considerable.


If you were buying a new charging unit now, what would you buy and why?

I would probably go for the zappi again. It wasn’t the cheapest but it integrates well with the solar, other myenergi elements and the app.


Tell us about your electricity provider and tariff. Would you recommend them?

Octopus Energy’s ‘Go’ tariff – gives a 7p overnight rate. Over the 4 years, I’ve averaged about £17.34 per month, including a few high-rate rapid chargers (about 5-6 times a year).


Are you part of a charger-sharing scheme for those who don’t have their own charger?



See other Home Charging Unit reviews here



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