Welcome to Electric Road! 

Electric vehicles (EVs) are going to become an integral part of our everyday lives in the near future, that is simply a fact. Greenhouse gases are higher now than in the last 800,000 years and worldwide environmental pressure and national legislation have driven car manufacturers to invest billions into electric vehicle technology with a view to becoming net-zero carbon.


Electric Road exists to showcase what the EV ownership experience is like, warts & all! We fully appreciate that EVs aren’t suitable for everyone and there’ll be a mixed economy of different ‘fuels’ on UK roads for many years to come.


Whether you’re considering your first electric car or your next, we hope that our owner reviews & additional content will help you when you contemplate your next car. Quite simply, we want to increase knowledge and help deliver better outcomes for all. 


Furthermore, this is not just about EVs themselves but also the wider EV environment such as charging, in particular. We want to profile a lot of the work going into the EV industry to show you what is happening right now and will be in the future.


We trust you’ll have a fulfilling time at Electric Road and would love to hear your feedback.


You can contact us at info@electricroad.co.uk


Ed & Russell

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Ed Whelan

Director & Founder

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Russell Whitehouse

Director & Founder