Ohme ePod 2023 – Home charging unit review

Ohme ePod 2023 - Home charging unit review

‘Ohme ePod review’ uses, unsurprisingly, an Ohme ePod 2023 home charging unit. 


Provide your overall rating for the charging unit


Which company installed it and would you recommend them?

Octopus and yes despite a few issues with the installation.


How much did you pay for your unit and installation?



Why did you purchase this particular unit?

To integrate with Intelligent Octopus tariff


List 3 or more points that you like about the charging unit

  • Small
  • able to use a longer cable than a tethered unit
  • useful app to help with charging.


List 3 or more points that you don’t like about the charging unit

Nothing so far


Outline any faults you have experienced with the unit



Tell us about your home charging routine

Charge the car a couple of times a week, usually to bring the cost of electricity down to 7.5p/kWh if we’re using the oven or tumble dryer. If it’s smart charging then we get their cheaper tariff, as well as the 23:30 -05:30 off-peak rate. The car is used for lots of small journeys getting children to work and college but the miles add up!


If you were buying a new charging unit now, what would you buy and why?

The same one – Ohme ePod to allow for flexibility re: cable and integration with IO.


Tell us about your electricity provider and tariff. Would you recommend them?

Octopus – Intelligent Octopus, it’s specifically for EV owners. Need to either have a specific car or specific charger. It’s 7.5p/kWh when smart charging and from 23:30-05:30. We’re currently paying less for electricity than via our previous provider, despite now charging a car. We also have no petrol costs to contend with now either. Definitely recommend!


Are you part of a charger-sharing scheme for those who don’t have their own charger?



See other home charging unit reviews here



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