Volkswagen e-up! electric car owner review

AID drives a Volkswagen e-up! 32.3kWh 2020.

This is AID’s first electric car, he’s owned the Volkswagen e-up! less than a year and drives 5,000-10,000 miles annually. The current mileage of the car is between 20,000-30,000 miles and he achieves 140 miles from a full charge.


Why did you choose the Volkswagen e-up!

  • Cheap
  • right size
  • good spec.



  • Quick
  • cheap to run
  • less maintenance.



Charge planning.


Compared to when you first bought the car, does your battery still charge at the same rate & do you still get the same range?

Same rate – I’m soon to update the fuse and cable to the house.


Have you experienced any faults with the car? If so, what have they been?

Water leak & failed rear wiper motor, both are fixed.


Tell us something people wouldn’t readily know about this electric car 

Cupholder in front centre console can hold large drinks bottle.


What’s the biggest or funniest myth you’ve heard about EVs?

They don’t last. I think my battery pack degenerated about 0.8%.


What electric car(s) are you interested in next and why?

Possibly Stellantis 45kWh ones, more range.


Home charging unit

Positive –  easy to plug in.

Negatives – should have coughed up for tethered wall box. Currently awaiting a new cable and fuse for house to get claimed 7.2kW charge rate which will halve the charge time.


Electricity supplier & tariff

Shell – bought out by big name that in reality probably won’t be much cheaper during the day.


What public charging networks would you recommend to others and why?

  • GRIDSERVE – easily charged
  • InstaVolt –  need to remember to leave ignition on
  • Porsche chargers – good with Shell App
  • avoid bp pulse if not an old Polar one.



Very cheap, £360 or so.


Please itemise where you’re saving money (or not) owning & running a Volkswagen e-up!

Saving about £100 a month in fuel and the same again due to parking location for work as car is a lot smaller.



*library image used.


See other Volkswagen e-up! Owner Reviews here



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