Polestar Survey 2024: Current findings

Polestar Survey 2024: Current findings

This is our first feature revealing findings from our Polestar Survey.


The Polestar Survey has been live since 17th March 2024 and has been communicated to Electric Road’s subscribers.



The current (unique) submission total is 374 achieving a 77.8% completion rate. We will continue to promote this survey and will publish findings on an ongoing basis.


Our brand surveys are open to all drivers (of all ages of car & fuel types) be they a current owner, a previous owner, a prospective one or they simply have a view on that particular brand and/or the ongoing ‘fossil fuel v electric’ debate.


We want to understand how drivers are thinking & acting in relation to car brands and fuel types given the backdrop of 2035 when new petrol & diesel cars will no longer be sold in the UK alongside 2050 when the UK Government aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions to almost zero.




Key Findings


  • Over 17% of current Polestar owners previously owned a Volvo


  • Over 43% of current Polestar owners previously owned a diesel car


  • The Top 5 brands previous Polestar owners have moved onto are: Tesla, Mercedes, Hyundai, Renault & Volvo


  • Stylish, high performance & reliable are the top 3 responses to the question, ‘What does Polestar mean to you?’


  • 41.4% of all respondents think electric will be the predominant fuel in 2050


  • 45.2% of all respondents will be buying an electric car for their next car.



Have your say on Polestar HERE!



User Profile



Current Owner – Type of Polestar



Current Owner – Fuel efficiency



Current Owner – Previous fuel type



Current Owner – Previous brand (Top 5)




Current Owner – Previous type of car



Have your say on Polestar HERE!




Previous Owner – Type of Polestar



Previous Owner – Fuel efficiency



Previous Owner – Current fuel type



Previous Owner – Current brand



Previous Owner – Type of current car



Have your say on Polestar HERE!




Prospective Owner – Type of Polestar considering



Have your say on Polestar HERE!




All respondents – What does the Polestar brand mean to you?




All respondents – What information do you believe to be true about EVs?




All respondents – What ‘fuel type’ will be the predominant choice for UK drivers in 2050?




What fuel type will your next car be?



Check out our other surveys HERE




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