Polestar 2 Dual Motor 78kWh 2020, Simon – EV Owner Review

Polestar 2 Dual Motor 78kWh 2020, Simon - EV Owner Review

What first name would you like to appear in the review?


What is the make and model of your EV?
Polestar 2 Dual motor 78kWh


What year was your EV registered?


How long have you owned your EV?
From new


What is the mileage on your EV?
5,000 – 10,000 miles


How many EVs have you owned?
This is my first


What is the average mileage range you achieve from your EV when fully charged?


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Why did you choose this car?
Volvo safety systems and Polestar performance.


Positives – List 3 or more reasons why you love this car?

  • Performance
  • Safety
  • Good for family of 4.


Negatives – List 3 or more things that you really don’t like about this car?

  • Alloys easily damaged
  • Lots of bugs on car
  • App is hopeless.


Surprise us! Tell us something surprising about this car?
No one knows what it is, still get looks on the motorway.


What car are you interested in next and why?
Polestar 3, pure EV built upwards as an EV.


What home charging unit do you use? Would you recommend it to others and why?
Project EV – 5 year warranty but not easy to upgrade firmware.


What home electricity supplier & tariff do you use? Would you recommend it to others and why?
Octopus Go – cheap rate allows me to get 27 kw at 5p per kw, that is around 100 miles for £1.36.


What public charging networks do you use? Would you recommend them to others and why?
I use Be.EV in Greater Manchester as it’s widespread regionally.


Who do you insure your EV with? Would you recommend them to others and why?
LV – specific EV policy.


See other owner reviews here


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