BMW Survey 2024: Current Owner findings

BMW Survey 2024: Current Owner findings

This is our first feature revealing key findings from our BMW Survey.


These initial findings are based on submissions from 12th December 2023 to 23rd January 2024.


The survey was communicated to Electric Road’s database and social media audiences. The total submission base, at the time of compiling, was 1,685 achieving a 63% completion rate. We will continue to promote this survey and will publish findings on an ongoing basis.



All of our brand surveys are open to all drivers (of all ages of car & fuel types) be they a current owner, a previous owner, a prospective one or they simply have a view on that particular brand. We wanted to understand where drivers are in relation to certain car brands from what they have driven, are currently driving, what they’re considering and ultimately, what the brand means to them. This first feature focuses on current BMW owners.



User Profile

Current owners represent the largest group in the BMW survey to-date (40.6%). Good to see 25% of all respondents have never owned or considered a BMW, obviously they’ve an opinion or two on the Bavarian brand.



Type of BMW

Probably not a surprise SUVs & Saloons make up over 50% of all types of BMW from current owners although we did expect Estates to be better represented.



Current Owner – Fuel efficiency

Nearly 79% of all current owners were pleased with the fuel efficiency of their BMW, slightly more (4%) than Ford owners.



Current Owner – Fuel type

Diesel is the most popular fuel type of current BMW owners with a good representation of BEVs also.



Current Owner – Previous fuel type

Comparing the graph above with the one below, diesel is the main loser from previous fuel type to current fuel type going from 54% to 37% of all owners. Electric has shown the biggest gain going from 3.8% of all previous cars to nearly 23% of all current cars.




Current Owner – Previous brand (Top 5)

As we’ve seen with Ford there’s a lot of brand loyalty towards BMW too with nearly 43% of current owners having driven a BMW as their last car. Interestingly (we think), Ford are the third largest brand that current BMW owners used to drive.



See what previous BMW owners are saying HERE


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