Citroën ë-Berlingo 2023: Getting started with an electric car

Terry drives a Citroën ë-Berlingo Flair XTR 50kWh 2023 and shares how he got started.


Why did you buy this electric car?

Perrys Bletchley (Motability car)


What got you into an electric car in the first place?

My wife likes Citroën, our Motability car lease was up for renewal and the only Citroën she liked the bonnet of that had a big enough boot was the Berlingo. We weren’t looking at getting an EV, just so happened that the Berlingo was only available as an EV.


Initially, what did you find most confusing about electric car ownership and how did you solve that?

The charging was fine as we have a home charger, the public charging network is all we have had to figure out, along with how to get the best out of the car on motorways. We’re planning our journeys the way we always did and just incorporating charging into the stops. Also helps having a co-pilot on her phone with Zapmap so we know what might be available.


What sources of information helped you?

Zapmap is our go to app for charger availability.



What are your top 3 pieces of advice for those people considering their first electric car?

Test drive it as long as possible to get a true feel for the ride, get a few apps e.g. Zapmap. I have the Tesla one for checking where the non-Tesla chargers are and the Pod Point one for our home charger. Also, prepare yourself for the price of service station Starbucks while you charge!


See other Getting Started reports here


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