myenergi zappi 2022 – Home charging unit review

Stash uses a myenergi zappi 2.1 2022 home charging unit. 


Provide your overall rating for the charging unit


Which company installed it and would you recommend them?



How much did you pay for your unit and installation?



Why did you purchase this particular unit?

Had all the features –  solar, wi-fi etc.


What do you like about the charging unit?

Looks good & easy to use.


What don’t you like about the charging unit?



Are you seriously considering your first or next EV? Then visit Electric Road’s CAR FINDER to get the right car for you!


Outline any faults you have experienced with the unit

  • Updating firmware
  • support- time waiting.



Tell us about your home charging routine

I use the car every other day and I charge the car when it gets below 50%. I wait for sunny days when the solar batteries are full and I use eco plus and use solar without draining battery. I can get up to 7kW of charge.


If you were buying a new charging unit now, what would you buy and why?

Not buying now as happy with the zappi.


Tell us about your electricity provider and tariff. Would you recommend them?

OVO standard tariff – at present just for local driving I pay approx. £25 a month. They offer anytime charging at 10kW for my EV with their charger and app, unfortunately no support for zappi. Octopus does 12p/kW from 12.30 to 4.30 but then bang up the standard tariff to 48p/kW. As I have solar and battery storage that doesn’t work for me in the summer. I’m waiting for energy companies to support EV chargers with an EV ‘cheaper anytime’ charging tariff.


Are you part of a charger-sharing scheme for those who don’t have their own charger?

No yet, I would but I live on a new build development and had to get permission to park outside my house to charge. I could do this if I extended my charger from my house to my parking bay which is 6 metres away.


See other home charging unit reviews here


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