myenergi zappi 2022 – Home charging unit review

myenergi zappi 2022 - Home charging unit review

Carwyn uses a myenergi zappi 2022 home charging unit. 


Provide your overall rating for the charging unit


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Which company installed the unit and would you recommend them?

Rhymark & yes


How much did you pay for your unit and installation?



Why did you purchase a myenergi zappi charging unit?

Recommendation from the installing company; responses from many companies were considered. I was sold on safety features and good standard cable length.


List 3 or more points that you like about the charging unit

  • Looks tidy
  • easy to use on app.


List 3 or more points that you don’t like about the charging unit

  • None.


Outline any faults you have experienced with the unit



Tell us about your home charging routine

I have two electric cars: a Tesla Model Y which travels between 30 and 60 miles a day and a Mini Cooper SE which usually does about 10 to 20 miles a day. Both are charged between 21:30 hrs and 01:30 hours every night on the Octopus Go Faster tariff. MINI to 100% and Tesla to 80% – usually charge one for about an hour/hour and a half and then change over.


myenergi zappi 2022 - Home charging unit review


If you were buying a new charging unit now, what would you buy and why?

Probably the same zappi.


Tell us about your electricity provider and tariff. Would you recommend them?

Octopus Go Faster – 21:30 to 01:30 40p peak/7.5 p off-peak. Works out at less than 2p per mile to run the cars.


Are you part of a charger-sharing scheme for those who don’t have their own charger?



See other home charging reports here


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