We thought we’d run a quick poll on where people stand regarding fuel choices both now and in the future.
These initial findings are based on submissions received from 2nd-22nd August 2024.
The UK Fuel Poll was communicated to Electric Road’s database and social media audiences. The total submission base at the time of compiling was 2,291 achieving a 65.9% completion rate. We will continue to promote the UK Fuel Poll and will publish findings on an ongoing basis.
What fuel type is your current car?
No surprise a disproportionate amount of EV drivers undertook this poll given who we are. We will keep promoting this survey so it becomes more representative of the UK breakdown for fuel types.
What fuel type will your next car be?
A little surprised that current EV drivers v ‘electric as next fuel type’ has only increased by 3.7% . The biggest gain from current fuel type to next fuel type is hybrid (8% to 17.9%).
What ‘fuel type’ do you think will be the predominant choice for UK drivers in 2050?
No surprises perhaps but hydrogen & synthetic fuels are still ranking very highly with many people.
Take the Fuel Poll HERE